March 14, 2025
Mother refuses to feed children who do not have RSVP for her child’s birthday party

Mother refuses to feed children who do not have RSVP for her child’s birthday party

A mother debates whether she was wrong to refuse to feed two children who came to her child’s birthday party.

On 26 February she wrote a long -term message about the parenting site Mumnet’s “Am I Be unreasonable?” Forum, writes under the username Itsmeits. The mother explained that she arranged a bouncer castle party in a local leisure center for her 8-year-old child to celebrate with a maximum of 40 other children.

She sent invitations for the event three weeks earlier and followed by asking parents to confirm whether their child would attend two different occasions in the weeks prior to the party. Because of food allergies, the mother said that she was preparing individual lunch boxes for each child and wrote about the invitations “No RSVP = no food that is provided.”

“I had now confirmed 18 from school + 6 brothers and sisters and 8 family. Happy Days, “she wrote on Mumnet. “Sunday (the party) I did the 32 boxes and founded the party, you guessed it, 2 extra rock up from school.

Cavan Images/Getty Child Eating at Birthday Party (Stock Image)

Cavan Images/Getty

Child Eating at Birthday Party (Stock Image)

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“Both mothers did not stay, were too late, let children fall by the door, pointed to and ran,” she continued. “Children were not fed. Mothers were not happy when children told them when they gathered them – 15 minutes late, I can add to it. ‘

The mother blew over the costs of children’s parties and the poor communication of parents, because she claimed to have arranged many events over the years.

She said that even when parents RSVP are not a guarantee that they will bring their child to the celebration.

“One of the school mothers I have known for more than 10 years could not believe that I said it and went on with it and gave no extra coincidence,” she said about her decision not to feed the two unexpected children.

“DD BFs [dearest daughter’s best friend’s] Mama thinks it’s hilarious and said she’s doing the same May! “She went on.

Taras Grebinets/Getty Sad Child (Stock Image)

Taras Grebinets/Getty

Sad Child (Stock Image)

“It was not a buffet, it was tailor -made boxes because of allergies – I don’t put my niece in danger,” she added. “It also cost me less than a buffet that does the boxes for everyone. Also much less waste. “

The mother was quickly reassured by members of the forum that she made the right decision to only prepare food for the children who were confirmed to be present.

“The thing with spare parts is how much you do?” A commentator wrote. “Some children can also fall due to illness, change in circumstances on the day, and they are wasted.

“It is also very rude to drop children at the door and not even bring them to the parent hosting and at least say hello,” they went on. “I am not exactly the most social person, but I make the effort to do this at least and wish the birthday mean a happy birthday. You were not unreasonable. “

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Macniak/Getty -Adults arguing (Stock image)


Arguing adults (stock image)

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However, other commentators claimed that the mother’s actions “punished” the children who showed up for the actions of their parents.

“They are children and they have been selected compared to the other children and must have felt unwelcome,” wrote a person. “I think this is terrible behavior and I felt so sad for those children who read this, it is not their fault that it is the parents. Shame to give a child the feeling that S — to prove a point. ‘

It was once, another said, “I would have done a few extra because you punished the children for their parents’ thoughtlessness.”

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