New cleaning methods are for me as buying a new pair of leggings to renew my enthusiasm for sports. Sometimes it works and my leggings are dutifully laid out every evening, ready for my early bird sweat sesh. Other times the leggings finally take the end of the word ‘Athleisure’ to heart and offer my legs the emotional support I need to starve at an unfolding stack was for the most of an hour, and wished I could be Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo.
Recently, after a series of hectic weeks in which my floors seem to look like the linoleum of a cafeteria in primary school, I decided that I had to refresh my household strategy. Enter the list of 6/10. Not new, but new to me, this cleaning practice made by organized chaos, contains a breakdown of tasks organized by daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly cleaning disorders. It is designed to make keeping a clean and tidy house more manageable, focused on daily tasks on high-impact areas and jobs (ie the kitchen, floors, beds and laundry), while the weekly, monthly and three-month tasks tackle and also tackle items that do not require so much regular attention.
Related: I tried a cleaning schedule from the 1950s, but instead I learned something about my grandmother
The 6 daily tasks
When it comes to the daily tasks, you see many of the usual suspects. Many of these things were already on my daily task list, even the load of laundry, because my mother has always taught me the importance of “maintaining the laundry”. One thing I did every day, but recently surrendered, is vacuuming. I still tend to touch the high traffic areas every day, such as the decline, kitchen, laundry room and living room, but the bedrooms, bathrooms and other associated spaces are usually a kind of each food.
When I tried this list and went on my daily list on my daily list, I had a renewed feeling of how impactful it can be to keep up with the house, but also how this influences my mental state. With an excrinering dog and two young children, the daily floor noves are a lot and certainly noticeable if I even let them go for a day or two. If I am aware of this task, I can prevent the house from being the house in a constant disorder.
The 10 weekly tasks
Here I started diverging with the 6/10 cleaning list. One of the things I do religious every week is the showers and tubs clean. I wipe the bathrooms the most every day (again, small children). We would be ground zero for Strep, gastric virus and the cold if I let this daily task expire, so for every child at our school I continued the plan. It would have been ideal to exchange some of the other daily tasks to the weekly list to keep the proportions the same, but during this season I resigned that I have just been dealing with a few extra cleaning -related tasks.
The monthly tasks
Scrub the showers and tubs
Fortunately, two of these tasks are on my husband’s radar instead of mine, because he leads the lead on cleaning garage and vacuuming the cars. He is a keeper. Although I had not cleaned my devices deeply every month, I keep the items such as the coffee pot and washing machine and dryer. New devices that I have added to my monthly cleaning list are the oven, dishwasher and garage freezer.
Related: Old-school Cleaning tricks that are Zuidersen
The quarterly tasks
Wipe skirting and doors
The quarterly tasks are where I think the 6/10 method can really shine. These are those who often forgotten tasks that can sometimes be completely ignored until their mess is so clear that it screams for attention. Just like with a few of the weekly tasks, there are a few items here that I have to do more often because of the active, always outdoors of our family, in and out of lifestyle all day long.
Cabinets and doors in particular receive a lot of love with stains, fingerprints and the like. Our cupboards are also all shades of white and/or navy blue, the latter of which is not nearly as camouflage as one would think. My strategy is there to just wipe them off while I spot a mess, although I wipe away a more thorough way about once a month.
Related: Do not make these errors when cleaning your bathroom
6/10 Method of collection restaurants
Nothing is overlooked. I will always be here for a new cleaning strategy. Although I like to test new ways to make my daily, weekly, monthly and even quarterly tasks more efficient, I think the real benefit of the 6/10 cleaning method ensures that nothing is forgotten. That is one of the reasons why I clean the zone. I can ensure that a whole room is regularly cleaned from top to bottom and moves my way through the house like an inverted tornado. Where there was once chaos and disorder, there is now nothing but peace and loneliness – probably the next 4.5 minutes.
Stays at home in top form. The thing that I found most attractive about this cleaning strategy is that it keeps the house together at all times. If you keep track of your daily tasks, you are almost always ready for company recording, regardless of the quarterly or monthly tasks that you also work to tackle.
Make your own list. But to really work this method, I think the key is to make your own 6/10 list. Consider how your house is used, your problem spots and lots of traffic. Although many, if not all daily tasks are probably the same house to accommodate, the less frequent items may require a shuffle to work best for your home and lifestyle. That said, items cannot be on your list that should be. Create a flowing, unique-to-your strategy and I bet you will find, as I did, that this strategy can eliminate overwhelming where to start tackling a messy house, or perhaps even help to completely avoid the messy house scenario.
Read the original article about Southern Living